God healed me miraculous

Publié dans Guérisons miraculeuses

I want to say that I was born into polygamous home and those born into polygamous home will understand what I'm talking about. In the Islamic doctrine, the man can easely  control his wives which is the contrary to those who are not part of Islamic culture. This introduced me into a home full of  bitterness, hatred quarrels and fighting so much that daddy never gave us his attention. In 1983 through bro. Charles A. who preach to them and invited them to envagilistic campaign that were held in Mbalmayo by bro. Zach, they gave their lives to christ. 

As a good observer, I watch my parents closely for months, years to know if they really believed, but i was not ready to accept Jesus in my life. So to please them I started to involve myself in church's activities but without Jesus in my life. ( I was practicing  all kind of sins as a teenager).
In 1987 after the message of bro. Jean Pierre K. in Nfou,  I went back home ( in room, I wept bfr God for asking him to forgive me and to enter into my life and make me a new creature)

As a child of God, it was not easy for me to have a normally Christian life knowing the reality that even after my conversation and as well those of my parents, there was still no peace in our home bcs of my siblings. 
In the same way I had a crisis in my academic and my health. 
I remember I was sick  for seven consecutive years and repeated a class for those same seven years. 
No disease was  diagnosed.

God had mercy on me  and my family. Many of my sibling received Jesus as their saviour.
God healed me miraculous, gave me wisdom and knowledge  to study well and fast to the extend that the years lost, he make me to recover them when i was send to Nigeria to come and study. many doors started to be open.

As a youth a decided to present God to the youths that were passing through similar situations as myself; counsel them, tell them about my story etc.. and I thank God that many came to the Lord.

For 27years, God enable us to enjoy peace and harmony in our family and by his mercy decided to promote my parents  despite of our family background  ( polygamous); my father as wise counsellor in the church in Bafia, one of the wife as the provincial leader in Mbam Inoubou and Mbam Et Kim, another wife taking care of the practical things in our house. 

My prayer is that, the Lord will enable me to stand firm in the faith till the end and enable me to continu to preach the gospel to our generation.

Thanks a lot.

Alice Y N

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