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  • Mon Quotidien Avec Christ

      Gloire à Dieu ! Nous sommes heureux de vous compter parmi les visiteurs de notre site internet https://www.cmcisudfrance.org/ Nous venons par ce message vous remercier pour votre soutien et pour votre confiance. Nous continuons a prendre en compte vos besoins et c’est dans cette optique que nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous une nouveauté. Nous avons lancé une nouvelle chaîne YouTube "Mon Quotidien Avec Christ" qui traitera des HOMÉLIES (Une série en cours de développement de 400 enseignements pastoraux qui répondent à une seule problématique : Le chrétien au quotidien ou encore être disciple de Jésus dans la vie de chaque jour.) Ce sera également l'occasion Read More
  • Encouragements à libérer l'évangile

    Que le Seigneur conduise nos pas vers ceux la qui ont besoin d'écouter l'évangile en ce jour.Prêche l'évangile et gagne les perdus :- A cause de la réalité de l'enfer- A cause de l'horreur de l'enfer- A cause de la durée de l'enfer Tiré du livre 36 raison de gagner les perdus de ZTF Soyez abondamment bénis je voudrai encourager une personne comme je fut encourager ce matin quand je demandais a Dieu jusqu'à quand... ?Jusqu'à quand je vais devoir attendre je prie, je proclame mais les choses semblent empirer j'étais comme décourager. Les paroles de ce chant m'ont rendu ministère Read More
  • Évangélisation culturellement efficace (Gagnons les autochtones)

      Dieu recherche des hommes et des femmes qui vivent et enseignent l'Évangile avec pertinence culturelle, sensibilité et puissance, de sorte que la vérité éternelle de l'Évangile soit entendue, reçue et vécue dans toutes les cultures du monde. Read More
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Cantiques_Hymn : Christ The Victor (CTV)

Écrit par Administrateur le . Publié dans Ressources et téléchargements

Hymn and Praises



2-Worthy art thou to take the scroll Sorry the audio is not yet available
3-I will praise thee o lord Sorry the audio is not yet available
4-All saints to war!
5-I hear my glorious saviour say Sorry the audio is not yet available
6-When the children of god
7-I am holy for the lord has made me holy
8-You a disciple Sorry the audio is not yet available
9-Hark hard the voice of Christ Sorry the audio is not yet available
10-I see before me just two wills
11-Oh god, oh god, you are lord
12-Behold the lamb, the son of god Sorry the audio is not yet available
13-Jesus Christ is our lord and king Sorry the audio is not yet available
14-O lord my god, you are king of kings Sorry the audio is not yet available
15-In the father’s good pleasure Sorry the audio is not yet available
16-Well done good and faithful servant
17-Down on earth and up in heaven Sorry the audio is not yet available
18-More holiness give me, more strivings within Sorry the audio is not yet available
19-On a hill far- way Sorry the audio is not yet available
20-When I survey the wondrous cross Sorry the audio is not yet available
21-Christ the victor
22-Holy, holy, holy!
23-Glory be to god the father
24-Immortal, invisible, god only wise
25-Praise, my soul, the king of heaven
26-Praise to be the lord, the almighty… Sorry the audio is not yet available
27-Hark! The herald angels Sorry the audio is not yet available
28-O sacred head, sore wounded Sorry the audio is not yet available
29-And can it be, that I should gain Sorry the audio is not yet available
30-Christ the lord is risen today
31-The strife is o’er, the battle done Sorry the audio is not yet available
32-Rejoice , the lord, is king Sorry the audio is not yet available
33-All hail, the power of Jesus name Sorry the audio is not yet available
34-Thy kingdom come, o god Sorry the audio is not yet available
35-Mine eyes have seen the glory of,, Sorry the audio is not yet available
36-O for a thousand tongues, to sing Sorry the audio is not yet available
37-Ye servants of god, your master proclaim
38-Spirit divine, attend our prayers,, Sorry the audio is not yet available
39-Breathe on me, breath of god Sorry the audio is not yet available
40-All people that on earth do dwell Sorry the audio is not yet available
41-The church's one foundation Sorry the audio is not yet available
42-Abide with me, fast falls the eventide Sorry the audio is not yet available
43-Just as I am, without one plea Sorry the audio is not yet available
44-Rock of ages, cleft to me
45-Jesus , lover of my soul
46-How sweet the name of Jesus sounds Sorry the audio is not yet available
47-Like a river glorious Sorry the audio is not yet available
48-Peace, perfect peace in this dark world of sin Sorry the audio is not yet available
49-Nearer, my god, to thee Sorry the audio is not yet available
50-Blest be the tie that binds Sorry the audio is not yet available
51-Take my life, and let it be Sorry the audio is not yet available
52-A safe stronghold our god is still Sorry the audio is not yet available
53-Stand up! Stand up for Jesus Sorry the audio is not yet available
54-Onward! Christian soldiers
55-Jerusalem, my happy home Sorry the audio is not yet available
56-Jesus loves me! This I know Sorry the audio is not yet available
57-Tell me the old, old story Sorry the audio is not yet available
58-Lord, I hear of showers of blessing
59-I need thee every hour Sorry the audio is not yet available
60-Through the love of god our saviour Sorry the audio is not yet available
61-I've found a friend; oh such a friend
62-A mighty fortress is our god Sorry the audio is not yet available
63-Oh! Worship the king Sorry the audio is not yet available
64-To God be the glory! Great things he hath done Sorry the audio is not yet available
65-While shepherds watched their flocks by night
66-Thou didst leave thy throne Sorry the audio is not yet available
67-I am so glad that our father in heaven Sorry the audio is not yet available
68-Safe in the arms of Jesus Sorry the audio is not yet available
69-Jesus, the very thought of thee Sorry the audio is not yet available
70-Who is he in yonder stall Sorry the audio is not yet available
71-The great physician now is near Sorry the audio is not yet available
72-Take the name of Jesus with you
73-Man of sorrows, what a name Sorry the audio is not yet available
74-Joy to the world; the lord is come Sorry the audio is not yet available
75-Blessed be the fountain of blood Sorry the audio is not yet available
76-Look, ye saints Sorry the audio is not yet available
77-There I s a fountain filled with blood Sorry the audio is not yet available
78-Ride on! Ride on in majesty Sorry the audio is not yet available
79-Would you be free from your burden of sin? Sorry the audio is not yet available
80-Low in the grave he lay Sorry the audio is not yet available
81-Christ hath risen hallelujah Sorry the audio is not yet available
82-Oh!, spread the tidings round Sorry the audio is not yet available
83-Praise him! Praise him! Jesus, our blessed redeemer! Sorry the audio is not yet available
84-Glorious things of thee are spoken Sorry the audio is not yet available
85-Hark, hark! My soul! Angelic Sorry the audio is not yet available
86-My faith looks up to thee Sorry the audio is not yet available
87-Now the day is over Sorry the audio is not yet available
88-God be the glory you till we meet again Sorry the audio is not yet available
89-Sun of my soul, thou saviour dear Sorry the audio is not yet available
90-Sweet hour of prayer Sorry the audio is not yet available
91-Come, my soul, thy suit prepare Sorry the audio is not yet available
92-O wanderer from thy father's house Sorry the audio is not yet available
93-Hark, my soul! It is the lord Sorry the audio is not yet available
94-Come, unto me, ye weary Sorry the audio is not yet available
95-Come, ye sinners, poor and needy Sorry the audio is not yet available
96-Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power Sorry the audio is not yet available
97-Sinners Jesus will receive Sorry the audio is not yet available
98-Art thou weary? Art thou languid Sorry the audio is not yet available
99-I've a message from the lord Sorry the audio is not yet available
100-Softy and tenderly Jesus is calling Sorry the audio is not yet available
101-At the feast of Belshazzar and thousand Sorry the audio is not yet available
102-I've wandered far away from Sorry the audio is not yet available
103-Pass me not, o gentle saviour
104-Praise the saviour, ye who know him
105-O god, our help in ages Sorry the audio is not yet available
106-When all thy mercies o my god Sorry the audio is not yet available
107-God moves in a mysterious way Sorry the audio is not yet available
108-How firm a foundation, ye saints
109-Tenderly guide us, o shepherd Sorry the audio is not yet available
110-Jesus, saviour , pilot me Sorry the audio is not yet available
111-The lord's my shepherd I’ll not want Sorry the audio is not yet available
112-More about Jesus would know Sorry the audio is not yet available
113-Thou my everlasting portion Sorry the audio is not yet available
114-Thy will, o lord, not mine Sorry the audio is not yet available
115-All to Jesus I surrender Sorry the audio is not yet available
116-O Jesus, I have promised
117-Take time to be holy Sorry the audio is not yet available
118-I gave my life for thee Sorry the audio is not yet available
119-Anywhere with Jesus can safely go Sorry the audio is not yet available
120-Oh, what fellowship; oh what joy is mine Sorry the audio is not yet available
121-My Jesus, I love thee Sorry the audio is not yet available
122-Gracious spirit, holy ghost
123-When upon life's billows you are Sorry the audio is not yet available
124-Sowing in the morning sowing Sorry the audio is not yet available
125-Work, for the night is coming
126-Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
127-Who is on the lord's side Sorry the audio is not yet available
128-Hark the voice of Jesus crying Sorry the audio is not yet available
129-Blessed assurance Jesus is mine Sorry the audio is not yet available
130-What can wash away my stain
131-Standing on the promises of Sorry the audio is not yet available
132-Amazing grace! How sweet Sorry the audio is not yet available
133-I will sing of my redeemer
134-When peace, like a river Sorry the audio is not yet available
135-I've reached the land of corn and wine Sorry the audio is not yet available
136-When all my labours and trials are o'er
137-There's a land that is fairer than day Sorry the audio is not yet available
138-Fade, fade, each earthly joy Sorry the audio is not yet available
139-We plough the fields, and scatter Sorry the audio is not yet available
140-At Gethsemane Sorry the audio is not yet available
141-O god, thou art my god I seek thee Sorry the audio is not yet available
142-I seek thee, o my god Sorry the audio is not yet available
143-Holy, holy, holy Sorry the audio is not yet available
144-O that I may know deep communion Sorry the audio is not yet available
145-We bless thee, we praise thee Sorry the audio is not yet available
146-Pray on! Pray on! The lord commands Sorry the audio is not yet available
147-You are the sovereign lord Sorry the audio is not yet available
148-Christian, seek not yet repose Sorry the audio is not yet available
149-Jesus , keep me near the cross Sorry the audio is not yet available
150-Yield not to temptation Sorry the audio is not yet available
151-There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus Sorry the audio is not yet available
152-My hope is built on
153-There's a call comes ringing
154-There’s call comes ringing
155-I know Sorry the audio is not yet available
156-If you believe and I believe Sorry the audio is not yet available
157-One step more
158-I believe Sorry the audio is not yet available
159-Glorified, risen and ascended Sorry the audio is not yet available
160-Blessed is every one that feareth the lord Sorry the audio is not yet available
161-Jesus, you're my redeemer Sorry the audio is not yet available
162-I am on the rock Sorry the audio is not yet available
163-Who is like unto thee Sorry the audio is not yet available
164-I have seen Sorry the audio is not yet available
165-You love the world
166-There was no crown for him Sorry the audio is not yet available
167-Pure and holy son of god Sorry the audio is not yet available
168-Who can battle with the lord Sorry the audio is not yet available
169-O lord we are very very grateful Sorry the audio is not yet available
Sorry the audio is not yet available

Hymn and praises 

Vie de l'église

Prochains évènements:
  • Expédition missionnaire à Andorre le 15 mars 2025
  • Siège de prière de 10h à Bordeaux le 22 mars 2025
  • Expédition missionnaire Lourdes en avril 2025
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